The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I can honestly say this time in my life is so great that it is only rivaled by my days at Penn State. I have 2 children (Wes and Tessa) and a wonderful husband. I have a rewarding and challenging part time job (30 hours that doesn't always seem part time!) as the Director of Marketing for Flat World Knowledge. Our goal at Flat World is to make our textbooks freely available, openly licensed, with a sustainable income stream that compensates great authors for their work. Check it out if you, too, believe that the cost of textbooks has spiraled out of control: I am blessed with my dearest friend from Penn State living very close, and it is great to see the rest of the XOs at least once at year at a Penn State football game (where we act like we never left and pay for it for days!) I cannot believe it has been 15 years! Cheers Gals!